If you have forgotten, it was under 6 years of Republican Control that got us into the current economic mess that we are in right now. It was Republican tax cuts, it was frivolous spending by the Bush Administration on a needless war in Iraq. It was the fact that middle class was shrinking the whole time Dubya was in office that got us into this mess. Conservative degregulation of Wall Street and the Banking Industry was what got us super-corporations like AIG.
On another note just got done reading about Boss Limbaugh's three hour laughfest today. How can anyone stand even listening to him for 10 seconds let alone the whole three hours. I would like to thank the great people over at Media Matters for giving a transcript of his show, and also a quite enlightening synopsis of every hour. Some of the highlights of his ranting and raving today where as follows, I'll only include one from every hour I don't want to cover Limbaugh or any of these right-wing lunatics to much I just want to keep them honest:
Hour 1:
Conspiracy Theory - He had Dick Morris on the show today. The Conspiracy Theory here is the fact that Morris thinks that President Obama "wants his plan to fail...so that he can make the case for bank nationalization and vindicate his dream of a socialist economy"
(if you click on the text it brings up a video between Morris and Hannity)
The whole crazy part of this was that of course Boss Limbaugh agreed whole-heartedly about that.
Actuality - Again this is the usual Limbaugh hoping that the President fails. Wow this guy is completely off his rocker, or maybe just on too many perscription pills. Even during the worst of the Bush years I nor most of the liberal community, that I know of, actually vocalized that we wanted the President to fail. No most of us wanted his policies to fail, but these right-wing smear machine talking point lunatics actually want and probably pray that Presdident Obama falls flat on his face and fails. How can they be so ignorant, what nevermind they are Rebulicans, the smae people who told everyone who critized Bush to shut up and deal with it, after all he was President at the time.
Hour 2:
Earth Hour - Today, for some reason or another, he was on an enviromental kick. Naturally he was all about how global warming is false, and here's what the Boss recommended for everyone to do:
"I urge all of you, especially those of you who are stealing your electricity by short-changing the meter, fire 'em up -- Saturday night, 8:30. They chose 8:30 'cause daylight time -- of course, it's still -- it gets dark by 8:30 -- fire 'em up! I mean, fire up every light you've got. Go out and drive your car and turn the headlights on after you've turned every light on the house -- in the house on and the outside. Just fire it up.
Go out and rent spotlights. Go out and get some lights and light the buildings where the lights have been turned off. Somebody's got to make up for the electricity not being used."
So basically he told people that are already stealing electricity, to use more electricity, and that he himself is going to turn on all his lights.
Actuality, again - It was difficult for me to type all that. I am a Pagan, I worship the Earth and Mother Nature. This man just sat there for a whole hour, indoors mind you, and just blasted everything that I stand for and believe in. There is hard scientific fact that proves that Global Warming is real, and it is a danger to Humanity as we know it. I am sorry I take great offense when someone just is so ignorant to the truth. I don't think from looking at pictures of Rush that he has seen the light of day for more than the couple seconds it takes for him to walk from his car to his chair behind the "golden microphone". Honestly, how can someone be that ignorant?
I need to calm down, I've got to remember the Threefold Law, and I think that if I would of continued on that tear, that I would of violated it.
Hour 3:
Sexism and more - Boss Limbaugh starts the thrid and final hour, thankfuly, with his usual amounts of sexism that is normally prevolant throughout the show. This time is is aimed at MSNBC's news women saying, "the two info babes -- oops -- the two anchors, the two women went into a rant". From there he went into a little rant about how women love men in expensive cars. He finishes out this bout of sexism with Snedley, his producer saying something about "ugly women". Limbaugh had to correct him saying, "there are no ugly women", maybe, according to the Boss, on his show at least.
The next major section of the show again was dedicated to the enviroment, and "smart meters". Before I go any farther I will explain the basic concept behind a smart meter. Like your current meter for electricity it measures how much electricity you use on a monthly basis. It is a digital meter that can "capture information about how much power is consumed, but also when and at what price, so utilities can better manage distribution and consumers can look for savings by doing some chores when energy is cheaper, like at night." (WSJ.com) You know a good concept, but according to Boss Limbaugh, it is another attempt at Orwellism/Socialism/Communism/any other -ism he can through at President Obama.
He finished the final hour as he began it with yet another sexist remark saying, "[Y]et, his approval numbers anywhere from 57 to 65, depending on where you look." According to Boss Limbaugh, "What are we to conclude? They know he's lying through his teeth, and they still support him. It just means this -- what women have always known: 'Cheat on me, just don't tell me about it.' "
Actuallity - Again I have to watch myself from getting to worked up over this, it would be stupid of me to get bad karma by covering and exposing the lies of Boss Limbaugh. Anyone with any kind of decency wouldn't say anything sexist like Boss Limbaugh said, let alone having the final hour of his radio show basically full of sexist remarks. This goes beyond me being a Pagan, this goes to the core of being a human. Sexism is wrong. In my opinion sexism is right up there with racism. They are two of the stupidest things that someone can think. They are completely ignorant, and just plain evil. It saddens me that this man gets so much press coverage when he makes remarks like this, but there has got to be someone somewhere to keep people like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck in check. There has got to be someone who tells people about their lies that they spew on a daily basis.
Anyways, expect more later tonight. I don't have anything going on tonight, and will be finding other stories as I surf the internet tonight. I hope that the next post will be something a little bit more upbeat, a little bit more happy. Expect something along the Pagan/Wiccan front.