Sunday, May 3, 2009

Same-Sex Marriage and Pagans

Merry Meet again,

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. I have been extremely busy with school and work and everything. I know I have spent a lot of time going into politics, and not that much into the religious aspect of this blog. So today I am going to combine both of them into one.

First of all I would like to that The Wild Hunt for the idea for this blog. It is something that I feel very strong about, seeing as I am bi-sexual with a proclivity towards males. Anyways, here goes nothing enjoy the ride, and please forgive me if I rant a little bit throughout this post.

This story come from The Des Moines Register . It is about Toni Heard and Michelle McBride of Omaha Nebraska, two Wiccan lesbians, who have been together for 11 years.

In 2007, they had a handfasting. They still wanted to get married in Iowa for the legal reasons, even though their marriage wouldn't be recognized in Nebraska.

One of the things that is commonly touted around by the right-wing Christians is "Religious Freedom". What about those traditions that do perform same-sex marriages? They use the argument of religious freedom to scare people into thinking that the homosexual community is infringing on the rights of them. It is only a way for them to maintain their control over people. That is what it is all about, control. I personally believe in equality in all areas of life for the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, and Transgendered community.

I think Jason over at Wild Hunt summed it up properly when he said, "Either grant same-sex couples the same legal marriage rites as opposite-sex couples, or completely remove 'marriage' from the purview of governmental oversight. Create a one-size-fits-all civil union and let the individual churches, synagogues, circles, groves, and fellowships decide who can or can’t marry within their tradition." I agree full-heartedly. That is what we need to do. Completely stop calling it marriage for both Heterosexuals and Homosexuals. Let marriage continue to be for the Christians. That way those of us of alternative religions can call it what ever we want to call it.

As I said at the beginning of this post that I feel very strongly on this topic. I am a resident of California, and I will tell you straight up that I voted against Prop 8, which for those of you who don't know about it was about whether California would define marriage as between a man and woman. You know what. Call it whatever you want, but as I quoted Jason saying earlier the government should just drop marriage, and give civil unions more power. Let civil unions have all the same legal rights as marriage has currently. Have it be, legally, recognized in every state of the union.

Anyways, that is all I have got to say for the time being.

Blessed Be
